Thursday, May 3, 2012

Katie's Senior Portrait Session

When I was eleven years old, I got my first babysitting gig - colicky infant and her shy older sister.  I spent the entire night bouncing that infant, singing "Old MacDonald Had A Farm" 'cause that was the only song that would keep her happy.  A few years later, I took pleasure in tricking that toddler into nap times when she was misbehaving - I'd put her in "time out" in bed for 10 minutes, and if I returned to check on her and her eyes were open, her time doubled.  I don't think she was ever still awake when I checked back.  So, given these memories, it's a little strange for me to post that infant's senior portrait session!  Where has the time gone!?!  And how old and I?

Katie, you've grown into a lovely young lady, and I'm super excited for the next step in your journey! Blessings :)